This section presents comprehensive information on our regular events. Read the latest news about our organisation across the globe.

Sit and Draw Competition for differently able children - 14th April 2012


On the day of Bengali New Year we organised a sit and draw competition for differently able children.

New online access - 17th March 2012

We're pleased to announce the launch of our new website so that you can browse through our latest news and updates and learn more about our projects.


Upcoming Events


Stitching school and factory


Setting up a stitching school and factory where women from backward communities will find training and employment.The products from the factory will be marketed by us.

This will generate livelihood and will economically uplift women from BPL families. Women will be perceived as creator of extra income, hence they will be looked upon as an asset to their families.


24X7 medicine stores


Start a movement to open 24-hour medicine stores in front of Siliguri Hospital.


Currently all medicine stores remain closed at night, but the hospital's demand for emergency supplies and medicines at night is high enough to warrant 24 hour store operations. Our action will ease distress to patients on one hand, and generate jobs for unemployed local youth.


Negative Blood Group Community


Setting up a Negative Blood Group Community in Siliguri.


This community will not just create a human repository of blood-donors, but also act as a platform for people across various classes and communities to meet. This will foster unity and social action.